There were 160 teams competing for the Best Cooks. There were B-B-Q's set up all over the grounds and as it was a windy day, there was a lot of smoke.
Most of the teams dressed their area up; all in a western theme of course.
The big black object to the right is the B-B-Q.
This guy is lathering up the meat with some of his special sauce.
The people who came to the Cook-Off were the judges of all the food that was cooked. If you wanted to be a judge-and get free food- all you had to do was go inside the building where the judging was taking place and sit down at one of the tables. Anna, Mark and I decided we would be judges- there were several tables of people who also decided to try it. The concept of free food was a big draw. The rules were explained to all of us, we were given a sheet of paper, and then the food was brought in. The people in charge would give us a numbered styrofoam container with meat and we were to cut a slice of meat off and then rate it on a scale of 1 to 10 according to specific things such as appearance, smell, taste, tenderness, etc . Then you passed it to the next person and they did the same. We were not allowed to discuss the food with our fellow participants. Each time you were given a new dish, you took a new fork of course. And in between each taste, you had to have a bite of cracker or pickle, and a drink of water. It sounds like fun doesn't it? Well, it was, except for the fact that there were 19 plates and towards the end we were getting pretty full. I think I ate enough meat for the week - or longer. Anyway, it was rather fun.
They also had a lot of crafts there. They were selling raffle tickets on a beautiful quilt and I was so impressed I bought two. They were only $1.00 each.
The flowers you see on this quilt were actually photographs that were put onto cloth. Many of the squares were hand embroidered and each square was representative of Texas.
We met up with our friends Bob and Carol-our friends from South Padre Island. They were very smartly dressed and looked like real native Texans. They are actually both from Ontario. They are just super people. Carol always knows where and when the best events are being held.
We had a lot of fun walking around and taking in the sights. We found a place that was giving away fried dill pickles.
Yes, you heard me right. Fried dill pickles.
We all had a sample of them. They were actually quite tasty.
We had a lot of fun with some of the exhibits.
Mark and I borrowed some hats and Carol took our picture. Sometimes it can be fun just being silly.
This is what happens when you don't behave.
Anna and Mark are checking out the displays.
Take note of the carving above the B-B-Q in the background and the metal cowboys on the lower right.
There were some interesting objects at the tables. This painted skull made a great hat rack.
There was live music of course and I couldn't leave without having one dance.
There was also team roping going on most of the day. We never made it to that. Just too many things to do and see.
It was a great fun day with great friends.
Keep warm.
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