Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Winter on the Ranch

I have been staying on the ranch with my sister since arriving back in Canada so have really been immersed in  the Canadian Winter experience. There is a lot of snow here still. We were nearly getting rid of the white stuff and then a bad storm hit this past weekend and gave us another huge dump of snow.  We drove to  Hanna on Saturday to watch my great niece in another dance review and ended up driving home in a terrible storm.

We  plowed through a lot of snowdrifts and experienced some total white-outs. It was a bit of a hairy journey.  Fortunately, my brother-in-law had come with us so he was doing the driving.

I took the picture on the left through the windshield.

It took a lot of snow removal work to get rid of the snow that the storm dumped at the ranch. There was so much snow piled everywhere and paths needed to be plowed in order to get to the feed  and then get the feed to the cattle.  It was a full days job and kept my sister and her husband very busy  on machinery all day.   These kinds of storms are not at all welcome, particularly this time of year as it is calving season.  Thankfully, all the animals came through the storm well and  the past few days have seen a lot of the snow start to melt away.

 My sister and her husband raise  purebred Texas Longhorns. When I first arrived here it took me a couple of visits to the pasture and corrals for me  to get past the horns.

 But I soon saw how gentle they are and  I  am totally comfortable being around  them now.

Making friends
This young  heifer is just checking me out. I think she is likely admiring my stylish attire.

They are beautiful animals and the new born calves  are such a joy to watch.

Getting a talking to from mom

I am trying to make myself useful here helping out with whatever I can. I love the ranch life and find I really miss it. It guess that it is true that you can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl. This time at the ranch  is just what I needed to get myself grounded  again after the winter holiday in Texas and prepare myself for going back to the hectic pace of the big city.


  1. Love the second shot. Looks like he was posing for you.

  2. Glad you liked the shot. She is a beautiful animal isn't she.
