Thursday, November 22, 2012


Happy American Thanksgiving! We drove down to  the border this morning, parked the car and walked across the bridge over the Rio Grande into the town of Nuevo Progresso.

The Rio Grande is a beautiful river that is nearly 2000 miles long beginning in Colorado and flowing all the way down into the Gulf of Mexico. On its journey, it divides the state of Texas  from Mexico. As you walk across the bridge going into Mexico, you have a beautiful view of the river. Unfortunately, walking back across into the US, there is no view of the river at all as there is a wall from the side walk that extends upward so no one can jump into the river and swim across.

Here I am at the entrance to Nuevo Progresso.  
As it was still very early (around 9am), the streets were very quiet and many of the street vendors were just starting to set up their wares. We soon discovered that the new price in Mexico is "almost free", or at least that is the price the vendors were calling out to us. Anna and I shopped around a bit just enjoying the walk and taking in all the atmosphere. It is amazing how ingenious some of the people there are. We saw purses made entirely out of candy wrappers????? Street vendors were selling all kinds of food for a dollar or two. 

   There seems to be an abundance of dentists in town as we seldom walked a block with out seeing several dentist offices. Some of them had some really eye catching advertisements.


The stores had almost everything
you could imagine. I liked this


Anna remembered a place where she used to eat that was off the beaten path so we got off main street and did a few loops around different neighborhoods.

Eventually, we found it.  It was inside the market place below.

It was almost like a little town once you made it through the entrance. There were all kinds of shops and lots of trees and flowering shrubs scattered about. I got a shot of Anna being her boisterous self.
         In the picture above, Anna is contemplating buying something unusual. However, she left without a Texas longhorn skull.
I am not sure if this store had "the best junk in town" as the sign advertised, but they did have a good price on Mexican blankets. A large one that would cover a queen size bed was only 9.95 and they were of  very good quality. If I can figure out how to bring it home I will pick one up before we leave in the spring.

After winding around in circles a bit we
 finally found the restaurant.

It was hard to believe this restaurant existed in the area we found it in. We actually sat at a table outside to eat as it was such a beautiful, sunny day but I had to share these photos of the inside with you anyway.

This restaurant has live entertainment every night and often throughout the day as well. I am told that this dance floor gets very busy. 

This painting on the door of the place
 really cracked me up. I guess it was meant
 for those who had a few too many Margarita's.
While we were eating, a nice fellow came along to show us a collection of jewelry that his wife makes. He was such a nice fellow so of course I had to buy a pair of earrings. They have  the colors of the Mexican flag-red, white and green. So I wore my Mexican earrings while I ate my Mexican lunch. Next thing you know I will be buying a sombero!

After lunch we walked around a bit more, just doing some exploring. We met a young Mexican girl with the cutest baby you ever saw so we had a little visit with her. The baby was only 3 months old and you could see she was the light of her mama's world. Just adorable!

I took some more pictures when we got back to the main street. As you can see, it is a quiet day here, not too much happening.

We had a party to attend this afternoon at Wes and Judes' place at the RV park so we headed back home. The party was great.  All the people here are so nice. A great time was had by all.
Tomorrow I plan to go bike riding.  My bike has been out of commission since we arrived  here as the tires were severely punctured by burrs. However, we have made friends with a wonderful couple -Bob and Sally- and Bob has spent a good part of  the last couple days finding and patching all the holes and he has informed me it is now ready to go again.  What would we do without friends.
I hope that you are all well and warm.

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